It’s 2024!
Let me take you back to 2017.
I had just spent the last 3 years working on a property just outside of Mudgee. The 3 years prior to that I spent studying a Bachelor of Agriculture and completing my wool classing certificate.
It’s Early February and Ive just had my first scan to confirm that I’m pregnant with our first baby! I guess the feelings were excitement, nerves, joy, uncertainty and happiness (mainly those few) but there was also the unknown of ‘what happens next?’
During my pregnancy a lot of things changed. The amount of work i could do at the farm due to safety reasons, activities such as cattle work in the yards became a whole different ball game!
As my work load changed, but my passion and enthusiasm for farming and Agriculture increased, I found myself wanting to stay involved as much as I could even though there wasn’t really much I could do.
I remember the day I was driving home tp Mudgee after spending the day at the farm. I had just helped Dad show the farm to a group of high school students, from Sydney. While we were driving around the property, I over heard a conversation between two students “hey, whats that?” “it’s a windmill!” “Yeh, but whats it do?” “Duh, it shows you which way the wind is blowing!!”
I remember being so shocked that I didnt even laugh straight away! It wasnt until I retold the story to Dad that we both broke out in laughter.
How could two senior high school students not know what a windmill did? and if they didn’t know, then who else didnt?
To say this was the start of a little project for me would be an understatement.
2017 while pregnant with my first baby, I wrote, Illustrated and published my first book - Mr Johnson’s Windmill.
2019 I fell pregnant with my second child and published my second book - Mr Johnson’s Harvest
2022 I fell pregnant with my third (and final) baby and wrote my third book - Mr Johnson’s Woolly Jumper. It has been quite a busy couple of years and I am finally around to publishing my third book now in 2024.
For 8 years I have tried to educate, inform, share and show life on a farm and the importance of farmers. I’m passionate about people understanding where their food comes from, how amazing wool and sheep are, what different roles are on the farm.
I’d love for you to continue on this journey with me. Follow along on Instagram to see what I get up to at the farm and thanks for supporting me on this journey!